Nosso blog, na versão 2018 tem por objetivo proporcionar a informação e a ilustração através de imagens e vídeos, dos produtos inovadores, tecnologias recentes bem como, processos de desenhos arquitetônicos, criação, serviços de engenharia. Os produtos representados ENGEFROM ENGENHARIA e FROM Representações, são de extrema qualidade, certificados mundialmente, selo verde e ISO de qualidade. INOVANDO COM QUALIDADE. Web Site: http://engefrom2018.wordpress.com/ |
sábado, 19 de setembro de 2015
sexta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2015
Como Fazer um Banner Grátis Utilizando o Power Point
Publicado em 21 de abr de 2015
Banner Criado http://dicasamvo.byethost9.com/a-maqu...
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Como Fazer um Banner Grátis Utilizando o Power Point
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Aprenda a Criar um Banner Rápido Utilizando uma Ferramenta Simples em Seu Computador O Power Point.
E de Quebra ainda monstro uma simples estratégia de marketing Digital que converte muito bem.
Espero que você goste deste tutorial de como fazer um banner simples e eficaz para o seu sie ou blog.
Como Fazer um Banner
como fazer banner
fazer banner
Curta minha
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Como Fazer um Banner Grátis Utilizando o Power Point
Aprenda a Criar um Banner Rápido Utilizando uma Ferramenta Simples em Seu Computador O Power Point.
E de Quebra ainda monstro uma simples estratégia de marketing Digital que converte muito bem.
Espero que você goste deste tutorial de como fazer um banner simples e eficaz para o seu sie ou blog.
Como Fazer um Banner
como fazer banner
fazer banner
Curta minha
Visite o Meu Blog:
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- Licença padrão do YouTube
Como baixar vídeos do Facebook - Dicas Magazine Luiza/Magazine Dufrom
Olá, hoje eu vou te dar uma dica superlegal. Sabe quando você encontra um vídeo bacana no Facebook e quer salvar pra ver depois ou enviar para seus amigos pelo WhatsApp? Pois é, com alguns aplicativos dá pra fazer isso de forma bem rápida e fácil. Olha só!
Se seu smartphone é Android, baixe na Play Store o Downloader Video para Facebook e se conecte usando sua própria conta da rede social. Uma página vai abrir com várias opções como Meus vídeos enviados para as suas postagens ou Meus vídeos marcados pra posts nos quais você foi marcado.
Ao escolher uma delas, já aparece uma tela com os vídeos disponíveis pra você baixar. Clique no que deseja, depois em Download e o arquivo será criado no seu smartphone. O vídeo ficará salvo na galeria do aparelho. Pronto! Agora está fácil pra assistir e compartilhar com os amigos.
Se você tem um iPhone, vá até a App Store e baixe o Video Downloader for Facebook . Também é preciso se conectar com seu perfil. O aplicativo é bem parecido com o do Android e divide os vídeos em seções como vídeos enviados, vídeos página, vídeos do grupo, entre outros.
Escolha a seção em que o vídeo se encontra e depois é só tocar neste botão de download aqui.
Pra ver o vídeo salvo, vá na opção Transferência, aqui na parte inferior da tela. É lá que ficam armazenados os vídeos que você baixou.
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Já se você estiver no computador, eu recomendo o site fbdown.net, que funciona de uma forma bem simples. Primeiro, encontre no Facebook um vídeo que queira baixar. Clique nele e depois copie o endereço que aparece na parte superior do navegador. Volte para a página do fbdown e cole o endereço, em seguida clique em Download.
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quinta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2015
Sacar áreas con Google earth facil y rapido
Publicado em 12 de ago de 2012
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Remedio casero para desaparecer quistes en la piel:
Video relacionado:
Información importante:
Remedio casero para desaparecer quistes en la piel:
QGIS 2.0: Mapeamento com Google Maps, Google Earth e Google StreetView
Publicado em 15 de abr de 2014
No QGIS 2.0, é possível acessar os seguintes produtos Google:
1) Geocode (via plugin mmqgis): cria uma localização espacial para uma lista de endereço;
2) StreetView (via plugin go2Streetview): exibe a visão da rua onde você mora;
3) Google Earth (via plugin GEarthView): permite sincronizar uma localização no QGIS e no Google Earth;
No QGIS 2.0, é possível acessar os seguintes produtos Google:
1) Geocode (via plugin mmqgis): cria uma localização espacial para uma lista de endereço;
2) StreetView (via plugin go2Streetview): exibe a visão da rua onde você mora;
3) Google Earth (via plugin GEarthView): permite sincronizar uma localização no QGIS e no Google Earth;
4) Google Maps/Google Earth (via plugin OpenLayers): permite adicionar uma base de mapas do Google.
Webinar Labgis/UERJ - Qualidade de Dados Geográficos, Conceitos e Mediçõ...
Curso online gratuita exemplificando e colocando a importância do conhecimento dessas ferramentas (SIG / GIS) para a gestão dos municípios brasileiros, quanto ao licenciamento ambiental.
Ainda, a desinformação no ambiente dos prefeitos, bem como em seus secretários é ainda, infelizmente comum na maioria dos municípios distribuídos pelo nosso vasto território.
Porém a administração pública dos municípios, necessita de mais eficiência, confiabilidade, e rapidez quanto a tomadas de decisões no âmbito administrativo, financeiro, nos espaços urbanos e rurais, nos quesitos de licenciamentos ambientais. Melhor conhecimento do território urbano e rural do município.
O planejamento urbano, deve ser profissionalizado no município, e equipes devem realizar os estudos, para horizontes de 20, 30, 40, 50 anos adiante.
ENGEFROM ENGENHARIA - Divulgando conhecimento, tecnologias, inovações, ferramentas para melhorias da gestão municipal das cidades brasileiras.
Home page: http://www.engefrom-engenharia.com |
Engº José Antonio Gonçalves
Ribeirão Preto, 17/09/2015
Sistemas de informações geográficas como ferramenta para gestão municipa...
Curso online gratuita exemplificando e colocando a importância do conhecimento dessas ferramentas (SIG / GIS) para a gestão dos municípios brasileiros.
Ainda, a desinformação no ambiente dos prefeitos, bem como em seus secretários é ainda, infelizmente comum na maioria dos municípios distribuídos pelo nosso vasto território.
Porém a administração pública dos municípios, necessita de mais eficiência, confiabilidade, e rapidez quanto a tomadas de decisões no âmbito administrativo, financeiro.
O planejamento urbano, deve ser profissionalizado no município, e equipes devem realizar os estudos, para horizontes de 20, 30, 40, 50 anos adiante.
ENGEFROM ENGENHARIA - Divulgando conhecimento, tecnologias, inovações, ferramentas para melhorias da gestão municipal das cidades brasileiras.
Home page: http://www.engefrom-engenharia.com |
Engº José Antonio Gonçalves
Ribeirão Preto, 17/09/2015
Olá a todos os visitantes.
Este canal tem como objetivo criar um acervo técnico de problemas e soluções de engenharia, engenharia civil, obras, canteiros de obras.
Tem também como função educativa para alunos e profissionais do ramo da engenharia, em atualização tecnológica, formas de cálculo, modificações de normas e qualquer tipo de informação que venha a corresponder em aumento do conhecimento.
A ENGEFROM ENGENHARIA, tem também como função social, transmitir conhecimentos e tecnologias, disseminando pelo Brasil o conhecimento, a pesquisa, o interesse por metodologias diferentes e métodos construtivos mais adequados a cada região brasileira.
Com o tamanho de nosso território, é incompreensível do porque existirem favelas, pessoas morando debaixo de pontes e viadutos, sem teto, sem terra. Existe algo de muito errado nisso.
ENGEFROM ENGENHARIA - Escritório técnico em serviços de engenharia civil, engenharia urbana, geotecnologias, EIA - EIV - RIMA, estudos de trânsito e transportes, perícias em geral, geoprocessamento, georreferenciamento urbano e de imóveis, RTK aplicado na construção civil, dentre outros.
Entre em contato com o escritório da Engefrom Engenharia. Acesse:
quarta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2015
terça-feira, 15 de setembro de 2015
Conheça a base subterrânea do Cindacta II em Curitiba
Todos os aviões que decolam e pousam na região sul e parte do sudeste são controlados pela equipe que trabalha no Cindacta II. Veja como é a rotina dos controladores e o que eles fazem para garantir que você esteja seguro na próxima vez que embarcar em um avião.
Voos no Brasil ao longo de um dia
LEMBRANDO QUE NO MUNICÍPIO DE RIBEIRÃO PRETO, interior do estado de São Paulo, uma senhora vai gastar mais de R$ 11 milhões de reais, em levantamento altimétrico e coleta de imagens, através da execução de voo cuja aeronave é um teco-teco.
Estamos em 2015, onde os controles e banco de dados e uso de geotecnologias, geoprocessamento, tratamento de dados, redes de infraestrutura, e conseguinte, tecnologia para o controle das trajetórias das aeronaves em operação sob o território brasileiro - AEROLINHAS - serão orientadas por satélites.
GESTÃO MUNICIPAL atrasada, e demonstra que não se preocupa na melhoria dos serviços públicos no município, deixando de utilizar tecnologias disponibilizadas pelo INPE - INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE PESQUISAS ESPACIAIS, com banco de dados de imagens por satélite.
NÃO SE SABE E OU PODE SER AFIRMADO, SE TAL CASO é pura incompetência administrativa, e ou se existe algum detalhe estranho no edital da concorrência pública. Mais atrasos e prejuízos para Ribeirão Preto.
Setembro, 15/09.
LEMBRANDO QUE NO MUNICÍPIO DE RIBEIRÃO PRETO, interior do estado de São Paulo, uma senhora vai gastar mais de R$ 11 milhões de reais, em levantamento altimétrico e coleta de imagens, através da execução de voo cuja aeronave é um teco-teco.
Estamos em 2015, onde os controles e banco de dados e uso de geotecnologias, geoprocessamento, tratamento de dados, redes de infraestrutura, e conseguinte, tecnologia para o controle das trajetórias das aeronaves em operação sob o território brasileiro - AEROLINHAS - serão orientadas por satélites.
GESTÃO MUNICIPAL atrasada, e demonstra que não se preocupa na melhoria dos serviços públicos no município, deixando de utilizar tecnologias disponibilizadas pelo INPE - INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE PESQUISAS ESPACIAIS, com banco de dados de imagens por satélite.
NÃO SE SABE E OU PODE SER AFIRMADO, SE TAL CASO é pura incompetência administrativa, e ou se existe algum detalhe estranho no edital da concorrência pública. Mais atrasos e prejuízos para Ribeirão Preto.
Setembro, 15/09.
domingo, 13 de setembro de 2015
Fool's Overture, Roger Hodgson - Voice of Supertramp, with Orchestra
Roger Hodgson performing the epic masterpiece he wrote and composed, Fool's Overture. This glorious song came to life when Roger put three separate pieces of music together that he had & it all beautifully came together. Roger says he always envisioned performing Fool's Overture with an orchestra. See Roger, co-founder of Supertramp, perform Fool's Overture on tour: http://www.RogerHodgson.com orhttp://www.facebook.com/RogerHodgson
"Fool's Overture" is one of my favorite pieces that I've ever written. It was very magical the way it came together. It was actually three separate pieces of music that I had for a few years and then, one day, they kind of all slotted together in what I think is a magnificent, kind of epic piece of music. I always imagined performing it with an orchestra, so when I did start playing with orchestras back in the '90s, it was such a thrill to play this song. I mean, I still get goosebumps to his day every time I get an opportunity to play it with an orchestra." ~Roger Hodgson
Experience in concert the singer/songwriter who gave us Dreamer, Give a Little Bit, Take the Long Way Home, Breakfast in America, The Logical Song, It's Raining Again & more. Although Roger & Supertramp's other co-founder shared writing credit, they actually wrote & composed separately with each singing their own respective songs. http://bit.ly/1Kfgu0W
Signed albums, DVD and more available at http://www.RogerHodgsonStore.com
Breakfast in America 2015 World Tour
Nov 17 Tarrytown, NY http://bit.ly/1I5IRKw
Nov 18 Verona, NY http://bit.ly/1K0N04E
Nov 20 Rama, ON Canada http://bit.ly/1IL5xhL
Nov 21 Rama, ON Canada http://bit.ly/1HGYfd2
Nov 24 Winnipeg, MB Canada http://bit.ly/1dMdFWD
Nov 26 Calgary, AB Canada http://bit.ly/18pjNRn
Nov 27 + 28 Vancouver, BC Canada SOLD OUT
Dec 1 Regina, SK Canada SOLD OUT
Dec 3 Montreal, QC Canada http://bit.ly/PlaceDesArtsMTL
Dec 4 Montreal, QC Canada http://bit.ly/PlaceDesArtsMTL
Dec 8 Ottawa, ON Canada SOLD OUT
Dec 9 Quebec, QC Canada http://bit.ly/1ApGwoc
Dec 11 Moncton, NB Canada http://bit.ly/1DhLHd4
Dec 12 Halifax, NS Canada SOLD OUT
Dec 13 Halifax, NS Canada http://bit.ly/1f6QdUF
Apr 18 Amsterdam, Netherlands SOLD OUT
Apr 19 Rotterdam, Netherlands http://bit.ly/1EwJIiM
Apr 21 Antwerp, Belgium http://bit.ly/1cTKyAw
Apr 25 Geneva, Switzerland http://bit.ly/1JLEqZh
Apr 29 London, UK http://bit.ly/RH_UK2016
Apr 30 + May 1 Paris, France http://bit.ly/1Dv7YHX
"Roger's voice is gold & unchanged from his Supertramp days. His band was incredible, the sound the best I've ever heard in a live show.There was a lot of love in the room, so well deserved."
"Brilliant concert.Every song so well done. A concert where you could hear a pin drop between the quieter sections because every single person was totally transfixed on the beautiful sounds they were hearing. I will always remember this one and when my friend asks how was it i'll say truly just the best."
"We've been waiting since the 70s to see Supertramp, but in the end we are pleased that we got to see Roger on his own with his new band. This man is pure genius. He opened his concert with long way home & instantly had tears streaming down my face. His voice, his passion I think is so much stronger now than back in the day of Supertramp. 2 hours of sheer delight."
"To the adoring fans who rise to their feet as Hodgson and his four-piece backing band take the stage..it might as well be 1979 all over again." Rolling Stone
"He is a consummate musician that takes his craft seriously. Every aspect of his performance was flawless." Classic Rock Revisited
"This is the real deal: a legendary music man, in brilliant form and shimmering presence, supported by a tight, terrific band. When you can catch a show, go. An evening with Roger Hodgson will raise your standards of concert-going." Huffington Post
"Fool's Overture" is one of my favorite pieces that I've ever written. It was very magical the way it came together. It was actually three separate pieces of music that I had for a few years and then, one day, they kind of all slotted together in what I think is a magnificent, kind of epic piece of music. I always imagined performing it with an orchestra, so when I did start playing with orchestras back in the '90s, it was such a thrill to play this song. I mean, I still get goosebumps to his day every time I get an opportunity to play it with an orchestra." ~Roger Hodgson
Experience in concert the singer/songwriter who gave us Dreamer, Give a Little Bit, Take the Long Way Home, Breakfast in America, The Logical Song, It's Raining Again & more. Although Roger & Supertramp's other co-founder shared writing credit, they actually wrote & composed separately with each singing their own respective songs. http://bit.ly/1Kfgu0W
Signed albums, DVD and more available at http://www.RogerHodgsonStore.com
Breakfast in America 2015 World Tour
Nov 17 Tarrytown, NY http://bit.ly/1I5IRKw
Nov 18 Verona, NY http://bit.ly/1K0N04E
Nov 20 Rama, ON Canada http://bit.ly/1IL5xhL
Nov 21 Rama, ON Canada http://bit.ly/1HGYfd2
Nov 24 Winnipeg, MB Canada http://bit.ly/1dMdFWD
Nov 26 Calgary, AB Canada http://bit.ly/18pjNRn
Nov 27 + 28 Vancouver, BC Canada SOLD OUT
Dec 1 Regina, SK Canada SOLD OUT
Dec 3 Montreal, QC Canada http://bit.ly/PlaceDesArtsMTL
Dec 4 Montreal, QC Canada http://bit.ly/PlaceDesArtsMTL
Dec 8 Ottawa, ON Canada SOLD OUT
Dec 9 Quebec, QC Canada http://bit.ly/1ApGwoc
Dec 11 Moncton, NB Canada http://bit.ly/1DhLHd4
Dec 12 Halifax, NS Canada SOLD OUT
Dec 13 Halifax, NS Canada http://bit.ly/1f6QdUF
Apr 18 Amsterdam, Netherlands SOLD OUT
Apr 19 Rotterdam, Netherlands http://bit.ly/1EwJIiM
Apr 21 Antwerp, Belgium http://bit.ly/1cTKyAw
Apr 25 Geneva, Switzerland http://bit.ly/1JLEqZh
Apr 29 London, UK http://bit.ly/RH_UK2016
Apr 30 + May 1 Paris, France http://bit.ly/1Dv7YHX
"Roger's voice is gold & unchanged from his Supertramp days. His band was incredible, the sound the best I've ever heard in a live show.There was a lot of love in the room, so well deserved."
"Brilliant concert.Every song so well done. A concert where you could hear a pin drop between the quieter sections because every single person was totally transfixed on the beautiful sounds they were hearing. I will always remember this one and when my friend asks how was it i'll say truly just the best."
"We've been waiting since the 70s to see Supertramp, but in the end we are pleased that we got to see Roger on his own with his new band. This man is pure genius. He opened his concert with long way home & instantly had tears streaming down my face. His voice, his passion I think is so much stronger now than back in the day of Supertramp. 2 hours of sheer delight."
"To the adoring fans who rise to their feet as Hodgson and his four-piece backing band take the stage..it might as well be 1979 all over again." Rolling Stone
"He is a consummate musician that takes his craft seriously. Every aspect of his performance was flawless." Classic Rock Revisited
"This is the real deal: a legendary music man, in brilliant form and shimmering presence, supported by a tight, terrific band. When you can catch a show, go. An evening with Roger Hodgson will raise your standards of concert-going." Huffington Post
Performance is from Night of the Proms 2004 France
Hide in Your Shell, Roger Hodgson (writer and composer), with Orchestra
Enviado em 22 de dez de 2010
Roger's lyrics and composition of his song, Hide in Your Shell, cannot help but touch people on so many levels. Roger sings with such emotion and openness of his heart that it is obvious his songs come from deep within him. It is not uncommon to see audience members in tears because of how deeply they are touched. Don't miss the opportunity to see Roger live in concert. Roger is currently on tour, performing a variety of shows with full band, acoustic, and with orchestras around the world.
"People often write to me and say that this song in particular strikes a chord in them. Maybe it's because I was going through a difficult time in my life when I wrote it that people are able to relate to it. Our teenage years seem to be difficult ones for many of us, especially if one is sensitive. I know there is a tendency to want to Hide in Your Shell." ~ Roger Hodgson
Roger, co-founder of Supertramp, not only wrote & composed Hide in Your Shell, he also gave us the great majority of the hits to include Breakfast in America, The Logical Song, Dreamer, Give a Little Bit, Take the Long Way Home, It's Raining Again, School, Fool's Overture & many more. Although Roger and Supertramp's other co-founder shared writing credit, they actually wrote & composed separately with each singing their own respective songs. http://bit.ly/1Kfgu0W
'Hide in your Shell' can be found on Roger's 'Classics Live' album. Signed albums, DVD & more http://www.RogerHodgsonStore.com iTuneshttp://apple.co/1M5cA8j
Breakfast in America 2015 World Tour
Nov 17 Tarrytown, NY http://bit.ly/1I5IRKw
Nov 18 Verona, NY http://bit.ly/1K0N04E
Nov 20 Rama, ON Canada http://bit.ly/1IL5xhL
Nov 21 Rama, ON Canada http://bit.ly/1HGYfd2
Nov 24 Winnipeg, MB Canada http://bit.ly/1dMdFWD
Nov 26 Calgary, AB Canada http://bit.ly/18pjNRn
Nov 27 + 28 Vancouver, BC Canada SOLD OUT
Dec 1 Regina, SK Canada SOLD OUT
Dec 3 Montreal, QC Canada http://bit.ly/PlaceDesArtsMTL
Dec 4 Montreal, QC Canada http://bit.ly/PlaceDesArtsMTL
Dec 8 Ottawa, ON Canada SOLD OUT
Dec 9 Quebec, QC Canada http://bit.ly/1ApGwoc
Dec 11 Moncton, NB Canada http://bit.ly/1DhLHd4
Dec 12 Halifax, NS Canada SOLD OUT
Dec 13 Halifax, NS Canada http://bit.ly/1f6QdUF
Apr 18 Amsterdam, Netherlands SOLD OUT
Apr 19 Rotterdam, Netherlands http://bit.ly/1EwJIiM
Apr 21 Antwerp, Belgium http://bit.ly/1cTKyAw
Apr 25 Geneva, Switzerland http://bit.ly/1JLEqZh
Apr 29 London, UK http://bit.ly/RH_UK2016
Apr 30 + May 1 Paris, France http://bit.ly/1Dv7YHX
Share your experience of Roger's shows or what his songs mean to you~
"I went to my first concert at the age of 44 to see your show. I was so amazed by the experience. I have to say you sound like you did when I was 15 buying your albums. I had goose bumps most of the night. I think you actually care about your guests and we all felt so welcome my friend. Thanks for an experience that will stay with me for the rest of my days."
"I was a typical teenager being pulled in a hundred different directions. Some of them frightening and lonely. Hide in Your Shell spoke directly to my heart. It told me I wasn't alone and that any good that would come of my life would be a direct result of me summoning up my courage and living true to the values and principals I felt. "I, as a boy, I believed the saying the cure for pain was love. How would it be if you could see the world through my eyes?" struck me as Shakespeare. 30+ years down the road now. Words to a boy are now a creed for a man."
"People often write to me and say that this song in particular strikes a chord in them. Maybe it's because I was going through a difficult time in my life when I wrote it that people are able to relate to it. Our teenage years seem to be difficult ones for many of us, especially if one is sensitive. I know there is a tendency to want to Hide in Your Shell." ~ Roger Hodgson
Roger, co-founder of Supertramp, not only wrote & composed Hide in Your Shell, he also gave us the great majority of the hits to include Breakfast in America, The Logical Song, Dreamer, Give a Little Bit, Take the Long Way Home, It's Raining Again, School, Fool's Overture & many more. Although Roger and Supertramp's other co-founder shared writing credit, they actually wrote & composed separately with each singing their own respective songs. http://bit.ly/1Kfgu0W
'Hide in your Shell' can be found on Roger's 'Classics Live' album. Signed albums, DVD & more http://www.RogerHodgsonStore.com iTuneshttp://apple.co/1M5cA8j
Breakfast in America 2015 World Tour
Nov 17 Tarrytown, NY http://bit.ly/1I5IRKw
Nov 18 Verona, NY http://bit.ly/1K0N04E
Nov 20 Rama, ON Canada http://bit.ly/1IL5xhL
Nov 21 Rama, ON Canada http://bit.ly/1HGYfd2
Nov 24 Winnipeg, MB Canada http://bit.ly/1dMdFWD
Nov 26 Calgary, AB Canada http://bit.ly/18pjNRn
Nov 27 + 28 Vancouver, BC Canada SOLD OUT
Dec 1 Regina, SK Canada SOLD OUT
Dec 3 Montreal, QC Canada http://bit.ly/PlaceDesArtsMTL
Dec 4 Montreal, QC Canada http://bit.ly/PlaceDesArtsMTL
Dec 8 Ottawa, ON Canada SOLD OUT
Dec 9 Quebec, QC Canada http://bit.ly/1ApGwoc
Dec 11 Moncton, NB Canada http://bit.ly/1DhLHd4
Dec 12 Halifax, NS Canada SOLD OUT
Dec 13 Halifax, NS Canada http://bit.ly/1f6QdUF
Apr 18 Amsterdam, Netherlands SOLD OUT
Apr 19 Rotterdam, Netherlands http://bit.ly/1EwJIiM
Apr 21 Antwerp, Belgium http://bit.ly/1cTKyAw
Apr 25 Geneva, Switzerland http://bit.ly/1JLEqZh
Apr 29 London, UK http://bit.ly/RH_UK2016
Apr 30 + May 1 Paris, France http://bit.ly/1Dv7YHX
Share your experience of Roger's shows or what his songs mean to you~
"I went to my first concert at the age of 44 to see your show. I was so amazed by the experience. I have to say you sound like you did when I was 15 buying your albums. I had goose bumps most of the night. I think you actually care about your guests and we all felt so welcome my friend. Thanks for an experience that will stay with me for the rest of my days."
"I was a typical teenager being pulled in a hundred different directions. Some of them frightening and lonely. Hide in Your Shell spoke directly to my heart. It told me I wasn't alone and that any good that would come of my life would be a direct result of me summoning up my courage and living true to the values and principals I felt. "I, as a boy, I believed the saying the cure for pain was love. How would it be if you could see the world through my eyes?" struck me as Shakespeare. 30+ years down the road now. Words to a boy are now a creed for a man."
Now on iTunes: Classics Live http://apple.co/1wUGfIk Open the Door http://apple.co/1GQcRsB
Only Because of You - Roger Hodgson (formerly of Supertramp) Writer and ...
Publicado em 15 de fev de 2015
This glorious song, Only Because of You, is from Roger Hodgson’s 1984 album, In the Eye of the Storm. Roger's hauntingly exquisite lyrics and melody of this beauty touch the soul deeply and often brings audience members to tears. Seeing Roger perform with an orchestra is mesmerizing. This performance is from a July 2013 concert in Germany with the Stuttgart Philharmonic Orchestra at Jazzopen Schlossplatz.
Roger, formerly of Supertramp, is the co-founder of the band and the singer/songwriter of the greatest hits to include Dreamer, Give a Little Bit, Breakfast in America, The Logical Song, Take the Long Way Home, Fool's Overture, It's Raining Again, School, and so very many more.
See Roger on his Breakfast in America World Tour. He is is currently performing solo, with band, and with orchestra. He is selling out shows all over the globe in addition to receiving fantastic reviews from media and fans alike.
For additional tour details, visit the Tour page on Roger's site at http://www.RogerHodgson.com or the Events tab on his Facebook page athttps://www.Facebook.com/RogerHodgson. Be sure to "like" Roger's page while you are there. "Share" this video with your friends!
This beautiful song was originally released on Roger’s first solo album, In the Eye of the Storm. Signed copies of Roger's albums and more available through his store http://www.RogerHodgsonStore.com or download from iTunes - http://apple.co/1KeUFyl
Breakfast in America 2015 World Tour
Nov 17 Tarrytown, NY http://bit.ly/1I5IRKw
Nov 18 Verona, NY http://bit.ly/1K0N04E
Nov 20 Rama, ON Canada http://bit.ly/1IL5xhL
Nov 21 Rama, ON Canada http://bit.ly/1HGYfd2
Nov 24 Winnipeg, MB Canada http://bit.ly/1dMdFWD
Nov 26 Calgary, AB Canada http://bit.ly/18pjNRn
Nov 27 + 28 Vancouver, BC Canada SOLD OUT
Dec 1 Regina, SK Canada SOLD OUT
Dec 3 Montreal, QC Canada http://bit.ly/PlaceDesArtsMTL
Dec 4 Montreal, QC Canada http://bit.ly/PlaceDesArtsMTL
Dec 8 Ottawa, ON Canada SOLD OUT
Dec 9 Quebec, QC Canada http://bit.ly/1ApGwoc
Dec 11 Moncton, NB Canada http://bit.ly/1DhLHd4
Dec 12 Halifax, NS Canada SOLD OUT
Dec 13 Halifax, NS Canada http://bit.ly/1f6QdUF
Apr 18 Amsterdam, Netherlands SOLD OUT
Apr 19 Rotterdam, Netherlands http://bit.ly/1EwJIiM
Apr 21 Antwerp, Belgium http://bit.ly/1cTKyAw
Apr 25 Geneva, Switzerland http://bit.ly/1JLEqZh
Apr 29 London, UK http://bit.ly/RH_UK2016
Apr 30 + May 1 Paris, France http://bit.ly/1Dv7YHX
Great links to stay connected:
See what the press is saying -
"To the adoring fans who rise to their feet as Hodgson and his four-piece backing band take the stage ... it might as well be 1979 all over again." Rolling Stone
"He is a consummate musician that takes his craft seriously. Every aspect of his performance was flawless." Classic Rock Revisited
"Hodgson connected deeply with the fans in a way few stars of his stature do."- San Diego Reader
This is the real deal: a legendary music man, in brilliant form and shimmering presence, supported by a tight, terrific band. When you can catch a show, go. An evening with Roger Hodgson will raise your standards of concert-going." Huffington Post
Sample Set List from an Orchestra Show -
Take the Long Way Home
Lovers in the Wind
Hide in Your Shell
Easy Does It
Sister Moonshine
Breakfast in America
Along Came Mary
A Soapbox Opera
The Logical Song
Lord is it Mine
If Everyone Was Listening
Even in the Quietest Moments
Only Because of You
Fool's Overture
Two of Us
Give a Little Bit
Roger, formerly of Supertramp, is the co-founder of the band and the singer/songwriter of the greatest hits to include Dreamer, Give a Little Bit, Breakfast in America, The Logical Song, Take the Long Way Home, Fool's Overture, It's Raining Again, School, and so very many more.
See Roger on his Breakfast in America World Tour. He is is currently performing solo, with band, and with orchestra. He is selling out shows all over the globe in addition to receiving fantastic reviews from media and fans alike.
For additional tour details, visit the Tour page on Roger's site at http://www.RogerHodgson.com or the Events tab on his Facebook page athttps://www.Facebook.com/RogerHodgson. Be sure to "like" Roger's page while you are there. "Share" this video with your friends!
This beautiful song was originally released on Roger’s first solo album, In the Eye of the Storm. Signed copies of Roger's albums and more available through his store http://www.RogerHodgsonStore.com or download from iTunes - http://apple.co/1KeUFyl
Breakfast in America 2015 World Tour
Nov 17 Tarrytown, NY http://bit.ly/1I5IRKw
Nov 18 Verona, NY http://bit.ly/1K0N04E
Nov 20 Rama, ON Canada http://bit.ly/1IL5xhL
Nov 21 Rama, ON Canada http://bit.ly/1HGYfd2
Nov 24 Winnipeg, MB Canada http://bit.ly/1dMdFWD
Nov 26 Calgary, AB Canada http://bit.ly/18pjNRn
Nov 27 + 28 Vancouver, BC Canada SOLD OUT
Dec 1 Regina, SK Canada SOLD OUT
Dec 3 Montreal, QC Canada http://bit.ly/PlaceDesArtsMTL
Dec 4 Montreal, QC Canada http://bit.ly/PlaceDesArtsMTL
Dec 8 Ottawa, ON Canada SOLD OUT
Dec 9 Quebec, QC Canada http://bit.ly/1ApGwoc
Dec 11 Moncton, NB Canada http://bit.ly/1DhLHd4
Dec 12 Halifax, NS Canada SOLD OUT
Dec 13 Halifax, NS Canada http://bit.ly/1f6QdUF
Apr 18 Amsterdam, Netherlands SOLD OUT
Apr 19 Rotterdam, Netherlands http://bit.ly/1EwJIiM
Apr 21 Antwerp, Belgium http://bit.ly/1cTKyAw
Apr 25 Geneva, Switzerland http://bit.ly/1JLEqZh
Apr 29 London, UK http://bit.ly/RH_UK2016
Apr 30 + May 1 Paris, France http://bit.ly/1Dv7YHX
Great links to stay connected:
See what the press is saying -
"To the adoring fans who rise to their feet as Hodgson and his four-piece backing band take the stage ... it might as well be 1979 all over again." Rolling Stone
"He is a consummate musician that takes his craft seriously. Every aspect of his performance was flawless." Classic Rock Revisited
"Hodgson connected deeply with the fans in a way few stars of his stature do."- San Diego Reader
This is the real deal: a legendary music man, in brilliant form and shimmering presence, supported by a tight, terrific band. When you can catch a show, go. An evening with Roger Hodgson will raise your standards of concert-going." Huffington Post
Sample Set List from an Orchestra Show -
Take the Long Way Home
Lovers in the Wind
Hide in Your Shell
Easy Does It
Sister Moonshine
Breakfast in America
Along Came Mary
A Soapbox Opera
The Logical Song
Lord is it Mine
If Everyone Was Listening
Even in the Quietest Moments
Only Because of You
Fool's Overture
Two of Us
Give a Little Bit
It's Raining Again
Dreamer - Written and Composed by Roger Hodgson, formerly of Supertramp
Publicado em 31 de jan de 2015
When Roger Hodgson, co-founder of Supertramp, plays his song "Dreamer," in concert, the audience spontaneously gets on their feet and starts dancing in the aisles. What a fun song this is and what a classic. To see Roger on stage performing, you know not only is the audience having a fantastic time, but he is as well.
Roger wrote and composed Dreamer shortly after he graduated from school and it was Supertramp's first big hit. He also gave us Take the Long Way Home, Breakfast in America, The Logical Song, Give a Little Bit, Fool's Overture, School, Hide in Your Shell, It's Raining Again, and many more. Although Roger & Supertramp's other co-founder shared writing credit, they actually wrote and composed separately with each singing their own songs. http://bit.ly/1Kfgu0W
"Dreamer was one of my first keyboard songs that I wrote. I was 19 and a young man with many dreams. Five years later when we went to record it, we tried to come up with a more magical version in the studio but we were not bettering my demo. So, actually what we did was put it on two tracks of the multi track – obviously my demo was very, very poor quality and then we played along with this demo and duplicated everything that I had done on this demo by myself. So that’s why I think Dreamer had that uniqueness – there’s no click track, no metronome, it’s just very raw and all the sounds on it are very closely duplicated to the original demo. I love playing this song in concert because it just brings out the dreamer in everyone. So often we let go of that side of ourselves and it kind of reminds the audience and reminds me when I'm singing it, too, to keep that place in us alive."~Roger Hodgson
See Roger live in concert on his 2015 Breakfast in America World Tour. Every concert is a powerful emotional journey - his passion for his music and his art shines through in the magic and intimacy felt by the audience. Come to a show and experience the magic!http://www.RogerHodgson.com or https://www.Facebook.com/RogerHodgson
Dreamer can be found on Roger's DVD & Classics Live album. Signed albums, DVD & more http://www.RogerHodgsonStore.com iTuneshttp://apple.co/1M5cA8j
Breakfast in America 2015 World Tour
Nov 17 Tarrytown, NY http://bit.ly/1I5IRKw
Nov 18 Verona, NY http://bit.ly/1K0N04E
Nov 20 Rama, ON Canada http://bit.ly/1IL5xhL
Nov 21 Rama, ON Canada http://bit.ly/1HGYfd2
Nov 24 Winnipeg, MB Canada http://bit.ly/1dMdFWD
Nov 26 Calgary, AB Canada http://bit.ly/18pjNRn
Nov 27 + 28 Vancouver, BC Canada SOLD OUT
Dec 1 Regina, SK Canada SOLD OUT
Dec 3 Montreal, QC Canada http://bit.ly/PlaceDesArtsMTL
Dec 4 Montreal, QC Canada http://bit.ly/PlaceDesArtsMTL
Dec 8 Ottawa, ON Canada SOLD OUT
Dec 9 Quebec, QC Canada http://bit.ly/1ApGwoc
Dec 11 Moncton, NB Canada http://bit.ly/1DhLHd4
Dec 12 Halifax, NS Canada SOLD OUT
Dec 13 Halifax, NS Canada http://bit.ly/1f6QdUF
Apr 18 Amsterdam, Netherlands SOLD OUT
Apr 19 Rotterdam, Netherlands http://bit.ly/1EwJIiM
Apr 21 Antwerp, Belgium http://bit.ly/1cTKyAw
Apr 25 Geneva, Switzerland http://bit.ly/1JLEqZh
Apr 29 London, UK http://bit.ly/RH_UK2016
Apr 30 + May 1 Paris, France http://bit.ly/1Dv7YHX
Follow Roger on Twitter @RogerHodgson http://twitter.com/RogerHodgson
Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/RogerHodgson
Roger's Band: Aaron Macdonald (Saxophones, Harmonica, Keyboards, Backing vocals) Bryan Head (Drums) Kevin Adamson (Keyboards, Backing vocals) David J Carpenter (Bass, Backing vocals)
Roger wrote and composed Dreamer shortly after he graduated from school and it was Supertramp's first big hit. He also gave us Take the Long Way Home, Breakfast in America, The Logical Song, Give a Little Bit, Fool's Overture, School, Hide in Your Shell, It's Raining Again, and many more. Although Roger & Supertramp's other co-founder shared writing credit, they actually wrote and composed separately with each singing their own songs. http://bit.ly/1Kfgu0W
"Dreamer was one of my first keyboard songs that I wrote. I was 19 and a young man with many dreams. Five years later when we went to record it, we tried to come up with a more magical version in the studio but we were not bettering my demo. So, actually what we did was put it on two tracks of the multi track – obviously my demo was very, very poor quality and then we played along with this demo and duplicated everything that I had done on this demo by myself. So that’s why I think Dreamer had that uniqueness – there’s no click track, no metronome, it’s just very raw and all the sounds on it are very closely duplicated to the original demo. I love playing this song in concert because it just brings out the dreamer in everyone. So often we let go of that side of ourselves and it kind of reminds the audience and reminds me when I'm singing it, too, to keep that place in us alive."~Roger Hodgson
See Roger live in concert on his 2015 Breakfast in America World Tour. Every concert is a powerful emotional journey - his passion for his music and his art shines through in the magic and intimacy felt by the audience. Come to a show and experience the magic!http://www.RogerHodgson.com or https://www.Facebook.com/RogerHodgson
Dreamer can be found on Roger's DVD & Classics Live album. Signed albums, DVD & more http://www.RogerHodgsonStore.com iTuneshttp://apple.co/1M5cA8j
Breakfast in America 2015 World Tour
Nov 17 Tarrytown, NY http://bit.ly/1I5IRKw
Nov 18 Verona, NY http://bit.ly/1K0N04E
Nov 20 Rama, ON Canada http://bit.ly/1IL5xhL
Nov 21 Rama, ON Canada http://bit.ly/1HGYfd2
Nov 24 Winnipeg, MB Canada http://bit.ly/1dMdFWD
Nov 26 Calgary, AB Canada http://bit.ly/18pjNRn
Nov 27 + 28 Vancouver, BC Canada SOLD OUT
Dec 1 Regina, SK Canada SOLD OUT
Dec 3 Montreal, QC Canada http://bit.ly/PlaceDesArtsMTL
Dec 4 Montreal, QC Canada http://bit.ly/PlaceDesArtsMTL
Dec 8 Ottawa, ON Canada SOLD OUT
Dec 9 Quebec, QC Canada http://bit.ly/1ApGwoc
Dec 11 Moncton, NB Canada http://bit.ly/1DhLHd4
Dec 12 Halifax, NS Canada SOLD OUT
Dec 13 Halifax, NS Canada http://bit.ly/1f6QdUF
Apr 18 Amsterdam, Netherlands SOLD OUT
Apr 19 Rotterdam, Netherlands http://bit.ly/1EwJIiM
Apr 21 Antwerp, Belgium http://bit.ly/1cTKyAw
Apr 25 Geneva, Switzerland http://bit.ly/1JLEqZh
Apr 29 London, UK http://bit.ly/RH_UK2016
Apr 30 + May 1 Paris, France http://bit.ly/1Dv7YHX
Follow Roger on Twitter @RogerHodgson http://twitter.com/RogerHodgson
Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/RogerHodgson
Roger's Band: Aaron Macdonald (Saxophones, Harmonica, Keyboards, Backing vocals) Bryan Head (Drums) Kevin Adamson (Keyboards, Backing vocals) David J Carpenter (Bass, Backing vocals)
Video edited by Wim Daans - Performance from July 2013 in Munich, Germany at Tollwood
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